Monday, October 19, 2015

Feeling disgusted

I'm rather livid right now. I can't handle the blindness, I know I should be compassionate in this situation, but I have the hardest time, trying to open the minds of these people who are systematically lied to by our culture and I'm exhausted of how narrow scope human beings are able to comprehend. I know I'm supposed to be positive, but I think we all reach our maxed out, angry point at times.  This was my response to someone commenting about humans are at the center of the universe, therefore we do what we want and use animals.

It's unfortunate but I see this all of the time. People claiming that human beings are the apex of all of creation.
So ultimately we humans believe that animals are resources, how is it then, that most find animal factory farming monstrous then?
Some claim humans have been using animals since the beginning of time, and why should we ever think about changing?
Do you really believe that if we have always used animals for, food, shelter, clothing, that that justifies it as sane or good? In the face currently of ecological collapse on multiple fronts --oceanic and all lands?
Humans have always been at war with one another since as long as we are aware of, does that make war good or sane?
Humans have traditionally had much lower life spans, about half of what we have today, does that make shorter life spans sane or good?
Today, our extent to animal manipulation is much more than it ever has been, are you then against this? Animal testing for pharmaceuticals, make-up, house hold products, random experimental designs for 'science'.
To what extent do you believe animals more resemble plants or rocks than they do humans? To what extent do you believe that animals have no capacity to care for themselves or others or their life? To what extent are Humans more aware, more conscious, more able than animals?
We just happen to be really good with tools, apart from that, I only actually see animals being often times, much more intelligent than us. We are the only species, who has managed to shift the ecosystem so much, that not only are we annihilating our own species, but we are bringing just about every other species down with us. If that isn't a huge failure of intelligence, I'm not sure what is.
Just because something is weaker than us, I'm not sure how that justifies us, making full use of it. It's the patriarchal mindset, use what can be used for your own means. Use other races for slaves, because you can, use woman and children for sex and labor without their permission because you can. Use animals for all of your needs, because you can. Use the world and its resources for your needs in excess because you can, Take from the poor, the sick, the helpless and the weak, because they are vulnerable, and it will keep you in power.
This is the mindset of many of the dominant cultures of the world today, They have hidden the messages so cleverly, yet they are still so bold and vibrant since, these are the actions unfortunately much more common among humans than the choice of compassion on this earth.
Our societies have successfully taught humans that this is the normal way, the only way, to gain strength, to gain fortune.
However, what is true compassion, what does living in an ecosphere mean. What is true connection. We live in a world that hardly anyone dare enter, or attempt to understand. We are trapped in the mundane everyday existence of cleaning, working, driving, using our gadgets, absorbing ourselves in made up stories projected onto screens. We are numb. Yet the mystery of the universe, the divine in all creation is here, waiting to be discovered in the minute occurrences that we too often ignore on a daily basis.
Yet, if we choose to listen, if we choose to be present, we can find this unshakable propensity of wisdom, in nature, we are not limited to the spoken words of humans throughout the ages, of course they would be telling the story with the creature of their choice (their race, gender and religion of human) in the center, but that hardly is anything but a boastful lie, to imagine the world as only full to the extent of that one component. Humans can't exist without the functions of the ecosystem on planet earth, we are hardly important.
We in fact, are so weak, so fragile, so small in the grand scheme of things. To believe humans are at the center of the stage above and beyond all other life. It's the same mindset as the belief that the Sun rotated around the Earth, claiming everything is only about us. So arrogant, so boastful, so untrue.

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