Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Don't stop at vegan...

It's easy to look at the figures for global meat consumption and dairy and other animal products and just be absolutely alarmed with the amount of meat we eat in the western world.  Okay stats on meat and animal product consumption is one thing, but what about when looking at the amount of CO2 emissions, methane as well as all of those forests and jungles... pristine habitats we destroy on a regular basis, to feed and provide for these animals....

Animal production is devastating to our world.

I'm not going to go into gory detail.  You can find so many brilliant articles online about these issues.. in fact the UN has a whole series of documents related to the consumption of animals foods and the destroying affect that it has on our ecosystems.. not to mention our internal ecosystems.. which actually does not thrive on animal products... but that too is a whole different story that I don't feel like getting into the details.

Anyway, what I am saying is... after becoming vegan.. sometimes it can seem like.. okay I've done my bit.. I'm saving the world in my own way.. and that's that.. the story is over.

Sorry to disappoint you (or really just myself), but the world needs our active participation at this moment.  Actually to be more precise our soul does.  I can't help but believe that whatever is good for my soul, or her soul or his soul or your soul.... must be the same right.  Isn't it just love.

Hang in there with me.

I know I'm getting rather philosophical, but the point is coming.

But this coin is two sided.. even though, all we need is love.. most of us, don't know how to let it in.  Most of us don't even really know what it means.  We make movies about it and write songs about it all the time.. we like to confess our love to places and people elaborately all the time.  But the kind of love mostly portrayed in our media, is some kind of obsessive, lustful and craving kind of love.  It's not real.

We try to fill our hollowness with media input... material input... foods that numb our senses... actually ironically so that we can feel closer to this love... although.. in reality it's just pushing us further away from what it really means.

The more we can embrace our own hollowness, our own not knowingness.. the more the universe will fill the holes with its divinity.

And the more we see that it's not just about me.. or mine.. but actually about ours.

It's about every creeping crawling living thing on planet earth.  We are all learning.. we are all learning to love.

Yet many of us have these subconscious blocks on ourselves.. that unless we are such and such (kind, educated... compassionate.. smart.. witty.. ) a person.. we wont be able to love ourselves.. if we don't have... such and such  (mercedes, ipad... whatever) a thing.

But actually in reality.. on a deeper level.. we are only scraping the surface.. it's like when you are dreaming and you are trying to run but you can't move... Not until you realize it's dream.. do you have complete control... and you have the ability to wake up.

You know you are missing something, but you can't figure out what!

It's the connection to nature, to the unknown, to the mystery.

The moment that it becomes something of value in your life.. is the moment you will feel and experience love. real love for the first time.

Whatever you think you are doing at this moment that is supposedly your 'bit' of goodness to the world.  Turn it up all the way.

Dive deep into your passions to serve the world full heartedly.

This is the connection to love we've all been waiting for.  Get out of your comfort zone, and keep growing, keep moving, keep pushing yourself.

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