Tuesday, April 23, 2013

To see a doctor, or not to see a doctor?

The next time you think, you may have to go to the doctor think again.  Most health issues can be solved with diet alone.  Please don't take this advice in an emergency situation.  But many people go to the doctors for issues that are easily solved through eating healthy.

1. If you have a cold.  Avoid processed food, sugar, baked goods, heavily cooked and oily meals.  Fasting on fruit, fresh veggies and lemon water will significantly if not eradicate symptoms on top of getting plenty of rest!

2. If you have had a concurrent issue of infections, viruses, etc.  Eat only small amounts of your regular foods.  Do avoid milk, meat, processed foods, sugar and oily overcooked dishes. Incorporate  vegetable juice - freshly made - preferably 3x a day.  Invest in a juicer! Your body will thank you :)  have salads more frequently, don't be afraid to fast - however it will work best if you drink plenty of veggie juices, lemon water and tea during your time/days/weeks with no food.  Listen to your body, respect what it asks for, but give it time to detox from heavy sticky foods in the system such as meat , milk, grains and processed foods.  Steamed veggies multiple times a day would also be a great addition - make sure when steamed, the veggies are still crunchy, if they are mushy or soft - they have lost too many nutrients.

3. Sore muscles, broken bones, arthritis, other skeletal issues.  Stop consuming milk, limit meat - if eaten to at most 1x weekly -if you can't go all the way without.  Try to do a cleanse of 21 days without sugar and salt.  See how you feel.  For seasoning - use more fresh herbs and tangy substances such as - tamarind paste, lemon, orange juice plus orange zest.   Make sure to eat multiple servings of cruciferous veggies and greens!  Brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, daikon, radishes, etc.  Great calcium sources are sesame seed milk-- here is a great recipe: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=332945

It's easier for most people to relate 'physical' issues back to what you eat, but many people don't also see the connection between emotional and spiritual health in terms of food.

Depression, Anxiety, ADD, ADHD, Anger, lack of motivation and energy  -- of course there are multiple ways of overcoming these issues - development of compassion, meditation, determination, inspiration.. the list goes on.  Food happens to be one of the pathways to amazing emotional health!

Not only do you consume the nutrients from your food, but you also consume the karmic load.  This is why, unless you have serious strength of mind and heart or an unfortunate lack of connection to the emotional body, animal products can spiral us downward.  Most animals today are confined in small cages for their entire lives, they are mistreated as 'items', they anticipate their death and they die in unrespected manners.  They release fear throughout their bodies and anxiety.  When we intake that food, we are then promoting a world of hostility, without even realizing it.  We have been taught that these foods are essential to our health - not realizing that we've been taught by the industry itself that.  Who have perpetrated the minds of our mothers and fathers.  But people have started experimenting enough with foods these days, that we can definitely see a straight correlation between optimal health, longevity and happiness through food alone.

Don't take these words for it, please research yourself.  Please read as many articles on the topic as you can.  Please watch videos of factory farms.  This is how we grow, this is how we learn.  :)

We are so keen to follow doctors advice, because it gives us an opportunity to sit back, not evaluate our own mistakes, and let someone else be responsible.  It's an unfortunate event that most doctors either aren't familiar with the benefits of eating right, or they don't have time to teach about it, or it's really not a part of what they know being a doctor is all about.  According to the Self Health Revolution by J. Michael Zenn, "127 medical schools in the nation, 70% do not require courses on nutrition or prevention, and 30% do not even offer such courses."

Let's do what we can and help heal ourselves and our own families naturally.  (except in the case of emergencies of course!)

My own grandmother was given only a few months to live when the doctors diagnosed her thyroid cancer, it was growing rapidly and the only thing they could tell her to do was get a tube directly in her stomach so that she wouldnt have to worry about when it completely would close off and she wouldn't be able to eat anymore.  I offered her an alternative route.. basically to see if nutrition could do anything.

After a month on her new diet, her cancer reduced by half, and every day continues to go down.  She has needed no tube, and she expects to live much longer as a result, she is off of her pain medications, she is much more mobile, her skin glows.  In the beginning I was making all of her food, now she is strong enough to make it herself!  She is even moving out of the assisted living into her own apartment again, and planning trips for next year!

Everything is possible.  You just have to believe.  :)

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