I have these ones listed on the side of my blog, but I decided to go through them all and put links to Amazon. These definitely shifted my perspective about food and health, and in combination with the results that I've seen with my grandmother, who has reversed her cancer growth in about a month time, from following advice found in these films (plus of course a lot of research, check out "Super Immunity" by Joel Fuhrman. She was given new life. If you have a loved one dealing with a lot of health issues and a lot of pain, this is definitely worth checking out. If it doesn't work it doesn't work, but there's no way to know unless you give it an honest shot. But at this point I can't help but trust it 100%, it's cleared up any and all health problems I ever had, I've witnessed the results in many others apart my grandmother.
Pretty cool, that we have the ability to take charge of our health, and we don't always have to be convinced by a completely dismal outlook of never getting off meds, never getting healthy, and more and more surgeries.
Here are some of the top health documentaries:
Forks over knives:
This documentary is probably the most well developed on the topic, they also have a cookbook.
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead:
A journey of a man who cures all of his ailments through juicing and gets super fit. This story is amazing and inspiring.
Food Matters:
Convincing arguments on the importance of raw food.
Got the Facts on Milk:
This has a bit of a quirky edge, but their overall message is convincing and direct. It exposes some things about the USDA and food guide pyramid - through their direct experience with them.
awesome documentary, definitely recommend seeing, exposes a lot of information especially about the medical industry.
Healing Cancer from the Inside Out:
great documentary, sequel to eating.
Hungry For Change:
This documentary talks about the issues of processed foods, junk foods, it doesn't get into the details as much of health, but it could be an easy introduction.
Also wanted to post this, a great summarized food reference:
"Here are 5 simple rules for a powerful immune system that you should commit to memory:
1. Eat a large salad every day.
2. Eat at least a half cup serving of beans/legumes in soup,salad or another dish once daily.
3. Eat at least three fresh fruits a day, especially berries, pomegranate seeds, cherries, plums, oranges.
4. Eat at least one ounce of raw nuts and seeds a day.
5. Eat at least one large (double size) serving of green vegetables daily, either raw, steamed or in soups and stews.
Avoid these five deadliest foods:
1. Barbecued meat, processed meat, and commercial red meat
2. Fried foods
3. Full-fat dairy (cheese, ice cream, butter, whole milk) and trans fats (margarine)
4. Soft drinks, sugar and artificial sweeteners
5. White flour products. "
Excerpt from Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman.
Pretty cool, that we have the ability to take charge of our health, and we don't always have to be convinced by a completely dismal outlook of never getting off meds, never getting healthy, and more and more surgeries.
Here are some of the top health documentaries:
Forks over knives:
This documentary is probably the most well developed on the topic, they also have a cookbook.
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead:
A journey of a man who cures all of his ailments through juicing and gets super fit. This story is amazing and inspiring.
Food Matters:
Convincing arguments on the importance of raw food.
Got the Facts on Milk:
This has a bit of a quirky edge, but their overall message is convincing and direct. It exposes some things about the USDA and food guide pyramid - through their direct experience with them.
awesome documentary, definitely recommend seeing, exposes a lot of information especially about the medical industry.
Healing Cancer from the Inside Out:
great documentary, sequel to eating.
Hungry For Change:
This documentary talks about the issues of processed foods, junk foods, it doesn't get into the details as much of health, but it could be an easy introduction.
Also wanted to post this, a great summarized food reference:
"Here are 5 simple rules for a powerful immune system that you should commit to memory:
1. Eat a large salad every day.
2. Eat at least a half cup serving of beans/legumes in soup,salad or another dish once daily.
3. Eat at least three fresh fruits a day, especially berries, pomegranate seeds, cherries, plums, oranges.
4. Eat at least one ounce of raw nuts and seeds a day.
5. Eat at least one large (double size) serving of green vegetables daily, either raw, steamed or in soups and stews.
Avoid these five deadliest foods:
1. Barbecued meat, processed meat, and commercial red meat
2. Fried foods
3. Full-fat dairy (cheese, ice cream, butter, whole milk) and trans fats (margarine)
4. Soft drinks, sugar and artificial sweeteners
5. White flour products. "
Excerpt from Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman.