Saturday, February 16, 2013

Round II

As per popular demand, we have started a second fundraising webpage for the Sadhana Forest Project in Kenya.  We reached our initial goal of 10,000 USD, this is enough money for bare minimum set up in Kenya, we have a much larger goal for our 2 year plus perspective, and we are taking it one step at a time.

It was interesting because I had started to think that we had done the most that we could with our last fundraiser online and that we had pretty much drained our resources.
So this second time around, I hadn't put as much effort into getting the message out there.

One of my friends in India sent me a message on facebook (Im in Utah at the moment)
and asked me how the fundraising was going, I told her that we had raised a significant amount and a second attempt had been started.

She asked how she could help.  It's funny how such small words can have such a huge impact!  Her willingness and enthusiasm re-ignited my own willingness and enthusiasm.  She had some ideas for alternative fundraising and she offered to put together a cafe sewa in Hyderabad to raise some money.

I couldn't believe it, I was blown away by her generousity and enthusiasm.  So I also started to get to work and started posting more information online about the second fundraising effort.  This time our goal is 5,000 USD and if we happen to not make our goal, all money will be refunded to the original investors.

So far it's been pretty slow.  But it's coming, with your help and everybody working together making the world a greener place, it will happen :)

For those who may not have been following my posts, I have a lot written about Sadhana Forest in my previous blogs, you can check out

All the best!

Thank you!!

UPDATE::: I've updated the links (since the sites that we were originally promoting the project on is no longer) (as of April 2014)::::