It was interesting to me, 3 days ago I recieved a food handlers permit. The most basic permit you can probably attain in the states. It was a very simple test, I recieved 100%. I could credit that to the fact that my dad is a health food inspector, and always used to talk about food safety to me and my brothers growing up.
The food handlers permit, gives allowance to those wishing to work in a restaurant or cafe to prepare food and or serve food. Since I recently have gotten hired on with a yoga studio with a kitchen, I decided to get my food handlers permit. I have started to help the studio create healthy recipes for the menu. So far it's been a lot of fun!
Something interesting about the food handlers permit training is it pretty much all has to do with having a kitchen with meat and animal products on it. Some of the regulations:
-Any animal product left out for atleast 4 hours must be thrown away.
-Any animal product not cooled down from 130 degrees to 70 degrees in 2 hours, and further cooled from 70 to 40 at maximum of 4 hours, must be thrown away.
-All animal product foods must be either kept above 130 degrees while being served - buffet style, or below 40 - refridgeration.
-Every time a different task in the kitchen is taken up, one has to throw away the plastic gloves, wash hands and put on a new pair of plastic gloves - to prevent cross contamination.
- All counter spaces must be sterilized between operations. Separate cutting boards must be used for vegetables and meat.
-Sterilization either means by temperature or by chemicals. (eek)
I really started thinking about all of this. Why are we the only supposedly "meat eaters" who actually can't tolerate the germs associated with meat. Why is that we can only eat certain parts of the meat - only after heavily processing them (cooking, marinating, pickling, drenched in sauces, herbs, oils, vegetables, etc) and without cross contamination at any level. If we accidently leave it at room temperature for longer than a few hours, it renders it unsafe and deadly for us to eat.
Now, think about how long it takes us to digest food. Not to get graphic, but they say a typical digestion process can take up to 24 hours. Now if meat goes bad at room temperature - and our bodies are roughly room temperature. And if that meat is in our gut, for more than 4 hours, well that meat has technically gone bad. What kind of health effects happen from that?
Maybe chronic illness?
Who knows.
Why is it that other carnivores, can let the carcass sit for days before they decide to consume it - dogs bury bones, cats leave prey for a few days so the meat can rot a bit to make the bones separate easier from the flesh. Why is it so easy for them to eat an entire animal on the spot, guts, bones and all?
Why are our teeth flat edged? Why are our mouths so small, our intestines healthier when they in an basic environment, as opposed to acidic.
Ps. All carnivores have acidic digestive processes, this is why they easily eat rotting meat, with no health ailments. Their digestive tracts are short, so it takes hardly any time fo the meat to quickly pass through the system.
As opposed to our bodies, if we eat too much meat we become constipated. Actually more accurately speaking, if we eat too much protein we become constipated. Now our society has become so accustomed to this constipation, no one realizes that there is a serious problem happening in their guts every day.
Nutritional experts say that we optimally should be visiting the toilet after every meal.
Why is it that we enjoy eating throughout the day. When carnivores can usually have a big meal every few days and be fine in between.
What other kinds of animals like to graze throughout the day?
My whole point was, it would be nice to step back a bit. Really look at what we are doing, and the destruction being made because of our lifestyles.
Because we have chosen to eat meat, we have made our restaurant industries take up unsustainable practices on a regular and exceeding problematic level in order to meet our demands.
This shows in their energy consumption - making sure foods are kept at certain temperatures so they don't make people fall ill. When vegetable foods (excluding oils - which are exceedingly unnatural and unhealthy) don't make people become ill even when they are consumed a little overripe. In fact - we love vegies and other plant foods which have 'gone bad' - pickles, sauerkraut, beer, wine, vinegar, etc. And before industries took them over, they were great for our health! They are full of vitamin B12 and other wonderful nutrients for our digestive systems.
We use an exorbitant amount of chemicals to clean tables and floors. We use excess water to wash and rewash dishes and hands after touching 'contaminating' products.
Does this seem a little funny?
At the same time we are experiencing one of the worst health epidemics of our time. Cancer, heart disease and other serious 'uncurable' ailments are plaguing us! Who else experiences these kinds of illnesses and why?
Well other herbivorous animals eating meat.
Milk, and egg - act as meat in our bodies.
How does a meat cookie sound? Great huh... ? Well that is what we basically ingesting every time we eat them. Most storebought cookies have milk and egg as the main ingredient. In other words, meat.
I am not completely denying that these foods can serve us in one way or another. To someone who is absolutely starving or someone who only has access to refined foods, these products may save lives. I am not doubting that. But we are eating these foods 3x plus a day. This is not healthy. This is why both paleo and vegan diets create huge health shifts in people.
However, both diets can lead to traps. Paleo - being consuming too much animal protein and vegan being consuming too many refined foods.
The reason both diets have had such wonderful healing and success rates is that if they are done correct, they eliminate refined foods, refined oils and add plenty of vegetables and fruits to the diet. Which in the end, its the addition of all of the extra plant foods which helps protect the body against cancer and other diseases.
But, be aware if you are already suffering from a degenerative disease, meat and other animal by-products will only fuel the fire.
I do believe that someone can probably be healthy consuming animal products at most 1 or 2 times a week. However, I believe that same person will be much healthier if they take them out.
Personally, I don't have an issue with people eating whatever they want to eat. But my passion in life, is living my truth. And what I have found beneficial for me is being an herbivore. I personally love it. My bones are strong, my mind is clear, my energy levels are great, my joints are fine, I have no complaints.
I love supporting local organic farmers, I love seeing people around me starting off on plant based diets getting well. I love supporting a world where no animal suffering is caused - including animal suffering on non-factory farmed animal raised on pasture. In the end of that animals life - it still experiences pain and it will still experience suffering.
I love animals. I grew up on a farm, and I spent much of my free time with chickens and goats. I used to train the chickens to do tricks and I loved getting to know all of their unique personalities. No two animals are alike, and until you have lived among them and spent every day with them, you may never get the chance to learn them. And even if you do work with animals, yet they are confined to unnatural places, you will still never know them, because they won't be able to fully express themselves, and they often develop psychological disorders due to the confinement. Just like we do.
Even if you have a so called 'organic grass fed cow pasture', or some other animal. You are still taking that much land away from indigenous species. You will still be inclined to shoot wildlife who threaten your livestock. You will have to manage your pastures meticulously to make sure your cows or animals are getting the nutrients they need. In the wild, these animals eat a variety of grasses and travel. It's not natural for them to be in one place for the rest of their lives. It's not fair.
I have a beautiful choice to live without consuming these products. As far as I am concerned these products are created because it's what we are used to. It's basically for 'texture'. Who eats plain meat without any kind of condiment? Who eats boiled chicken? Who smells rotting flesh and suddenly becomes hungry? What smells good when we cook something? It is the vegetables, the herbs the condiments - made from plant foods..
Who enjoys the smell of rotten milk? No one.
I love having the choice to live off of plants. Today we live in world where it's completely possible to do, even in the winter.
I love that opportunity.
It's a gift.
The food handlers permit, gives allowance to those wishing to work in a restaurant or cafe to prepare food and or serve food. Since I recently have gotten hired on with a yoga studio with a kitchen, I decided to get my food handlers permit. I have started to help the studio create healthy recipes for the menu. So far it's been a lot of fun!
Something interesting about the food handlers permit training is it pretty much all has to do with having a kitchen with meat and animal products on it. Some of the regulations:
-Any animal product left out for atleast 4 hours must be thrown away.
-Any animal product not cooled down from 130 degrees to 70 degrees in 2 hours, and further cooled from 70 to 40 at maximum of 4 hours, must be thrown away.
-All animal product foods must be either kept above 130 degrees while being served - buffet style, or below 40 - refridgeration.
-Every time a different task in the kitchen is taken up, one has to throw away the plastic gloves, wash hands and put on a new pair of plastic gloves - to prevent cross contamination.
- All counter spaces must be sterilized between operations. Separate cutting boards must be used for vegetables and meat.
-Sterilization either means by temperature or by chemicals. (eek)
I really started thinking about all of this. Why are we the only supposedly "meat eaters" who actually can't tolerate the germs associated with meat. Why is that we can only eat certain parts of the meat - only after heavily processing them (cooking, marinating, pickling, drenched in sauces, herbs, oils, vegetables, etc) and without cross contamination at any level. If we accidently leave it at room temperature for longer than a few hours, it renders it unsafe and deadly for us to eat.
Now, think about how long it takes us to digest food. Not to get graphic, but they say a typical digestion process can take up to 24 hours. Now if meat goes bad at room temperature - and our bodies are roughly room temperature. And if that meat is in our gut, for more than 4 hours, well that meat has technically gone bad. What kind of health effects happen from that?
Maybe chronic illness?
Who knows.
Why is it that other carnivores, can let the carcass sit for days before they decide to consume it - dogs bury bones, cats leave prey for a few days so the meat can rot a bit to make the bones separate easier from the flesh. Why is it so easy for them to eat an entire animal on the spot, guts, bones and all?
Why are our teeth flat edged? Why are our mouths so small, our intestines healthier when they in an basic environment, as opposed to acidic.
Ps. All carnivores have acidic digestive processes, this is why they easily eat rotting meat, with no health ailments. Their digestive tracts are short, so it takes hardly any time fo the meat to quickly pass through the system.
As opposed to our bodies, if we eat too much meat we become constipated. Actually more accurately speaking, if we eat too much protein we become constipated. Now our society has become so accustomed to this constipation, no one realizes that there is a serious problem happening in their guts every day.
Nutritional experts say that we optimally should be visiting the toilet after every meal.
Why is it that we enjoy eating throughout the day. When carnivores can usually have a big meal every few days and be fine in between.
What other kinds of animals like to graze throughout the day?
My whole point was, it would be nice to step back a bit. Really look at what we are doing, and the destruction being made because of our lifestyles.
Because we have chosen to eat meat, we have made our restaurant industries take up unsustainable practices on a regular and exceeding problematic level in order to meet our demands.
This shows in their energy consumption - making sure foods are kept at certain temperatures so they don't make people fall ill. When vegetable foods (excluding oils - which are exceedingly unnatural and unhealthy) don't make people become ill even when they are consumed a little overripe. In fact - we love vegies and other plant foods which have 'gone bad' - pickles, sauerkraut, beer, wine, vinegar, etc. And before industries took them over, they were great for our health! They are full of vitamin B12 and other wonderful nutrients for our digestive systems.
We use an exorbitant amount of chemicals to clean tables and floors. We use excess water to wash and rewash dishes and hands after touching 'contaminating' products.
Does this seem a little funny?
At the same time we are experiencing one of the worst health epidemics of our time. Cancer, heart disease and other serious 'uncurable' ailments are plaguing us! Who else experiences these kinds of illnesses and why?
Well other herbivorous animals eating meat.
Milk, and egg - act as meat in our bodies.
How does a meat cookie sound? Great huh... ? Well that is what we basically ingesting every time we eat them. Most storebought cookies have milk and egg as the main ingredient. In other words, meat.
I am not completely denying that these foods can serve us in one way or another. To someone who is absolutely starving or someone who only has access to refined foods, these products may save lives. I am not doubting that. But we are eating these foods 3x plus a day. This is not healthy. This is why both paleo and vegan diets create huge health shifts in people.
However, both diets can lead to traps. Paleo - being consuming too much animal protein and vegan being consuming too many refined foods.
The reason both diets have had such wonderful healing and success rates is that if they are done correct, they eliminate refined foods, refined oils and add plenty of vegetables and fruits to the diet. Which in the end, its the addition of all of the extra plant foods which helps protect the body against cancer and other diseases.
But, be aware if you are already suffering from a degenerative disease, meat and other animal by-products will only fuel the fire.
I do believe that someone can probably be healthy consuming animal products at most 1 or 2 times a week. However, I believe that same person will be much healthier if they take them out.
Personally, I don't have an issue with people eating whatever they want to eat. But my passion in life, is living my truth. And what I have found beneficial for me is being an herbivore. I personally love it. My bones are strong, my mind is clear, my energy levels are great, my joints are fine, I have no complaints.
I love supporting local organic farmers, I love seeing people around me starting off on plant based diets getting well. I love supporting a world where no animal suffering is caused - including animal suffering on non-factory farmed animal raised on pasture. In the end of that animals life - it still experiences pain and it will still experience suffering.
I love animals. I grew up on a farm, and I spent much of my free time with chickens and goats. I used to train the chickens to do tricks and I loved getting to know all of their unique personalities. No two animals are alike, and until you have lived among them and spent every day with them, you may never get the chance to learn them. And even if you do work with animals, yet they are confined to unnatural places, you will still never know them, because they won't be able to fully express themselves, and they often develop psychological disorders due to the confinement. Just like we do.
Even if you have a so called 'organic grass fed cow pasture', or some other animal. You are still taking that much land away from indigenous species. You will still be inclined to shoot wildlife who threaten your livestock. You will have to manage your pastures meticulously to make sure your cows or animals are getting the nutrients they need. In the wild, these animals eat a variety of grasses and travel. It's not natural for them to be in one place for the rest of their lives. It's not fair.
I have a beautiful choice to live without consuming these products. As far as I am concerned these products are created because it's what we are used to. It's basically for 'texture'. Who eats plain meat without any kind of condiment? Who eats boiled chicken? Who smells rotting flesh and suddenly becomes hungry? What smells good when we cook something? It is the vegetables, the herbs the condiments - made from plant foods..
Who enjoys the smell of rotten milk? No one.
I love having the choice to live off of plants. Today we live in world where it's completely possible to do, even in the winter.
I love that opportunity.
It's a gift.